Thursday, January 6, 2011

Day Three: Recovery Day

Today we just hung out and recovered.

I had a very easy day.

I didn't hurt...yet. (that came later)

I had to be careful with my site at the femoral vein, being on blood thinners it was very important I didn't pull or stretch that area causing it to bleed. And they had to put my IV in my hand so I got a doosy of a hematoma bump there, but I am used to being a freak with the IV it happens with all my baby births.
But it was this little bump that when they wheeled me out, Matt took one look at my hand, got so faint I couldn't even talk to him about how great I felt, until he caught his breath and seriously bring color back to his face and take deep breathes.

No exaggeration here either I am afraid... I am totally serious. I actually said, "are you for real!?" The nurses always say (as he has had this reaction with all 3 babies) and says they are brought on by seeing someone he loves in pain.

Good thing he wasn't allowed in while they were destroying my valves!

Other than that I felt really really great. When I woke up the after surgery my head felt so clear and I had for the first time no headache behind my eyes.

I felt so refreshed I would of done our Disney Day today...but Matt just gave me his,
"Jenn your talking crazy talk again" look.

So we just hung out on the bed and watched t.v. and just chilled.

It was actually pretty nice.

Finally in the afternoon we had our appointment with Dr. Arata. I couldn't wait to tell him he was gave my life back and how great I felt. I walked into the waiting room and found a gal that I had seen at the pre op appointment. When we were both in the waiting room two days prior, she was in a wheelchair. Today...she walked in to her post op appointment.
I wanted to jump up and hug her. We started talking and like excited school girls about all the symptoms that have gone or are changing.

It was incredible to see.

When I met with Dr. Arata, he just sat and listened as I joyfully explained every detail of how I have felt the last 24 hours. He sat with a smile on his face and just listened as I happily erupted all my excitement as fast as I could. I apologized for being so excited, as anyone that knows me it was a very animated moment. But he just chuckled and told me he was thrilled for me. We discussed further about blood thinners and other details and then told me he would like updates regularly for as long as is convenient for me.

So we then felt it was a good time to go celebrate and go to In and Out.

When we go to Disneyland we always stay at the Candy Cane Inn.
I HIGHLY recommend it.

Clean (and I am freaky about that)-Great Great Price-Free shuttle-Free Big Breakfast-Nice Pool-Clean (it deserves being said twice)-Close, one block from Disney Main Enterance-and so Gosh Darn Cute! has a beautiful cobblestone road, gorgeous flowers and ivy climbing up the favorite.

Our room was right behind this cascading it.
So it made hanging out really nice.

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