Sunday, January 23, 2011

My New Self

So I don't even recognize
my new unblocked self.

I keep surprising myself...
a few things I have noticed.

I found waking up early the death of me.

I naturally wake up early...and REFRESHED!

I hated to cook, I loathed it because my legs hurt to stand there, my brain fog made it confusing, and my fatigue made me wonder why people called this a "hobby".

I have honestly baked and cooked more in the last
two weeks than I have in the past year.
Just ask my neighbors, and....I find it enjoyable!! No kidding.

Exercising was never enjoyable, nor is it for a lot of people. But I used to try and I don't know if it is because my poor tiny vein was trying to get blood to quickly rush through it as I worked harder, but it would cause debilitating fatigue after a short while. I used to wonder what people were talking about when they said they would become more energetic afterward. Not me.

I have been speed walking in my cutest form everyday on the treadmill for a half hour for the last week. I now sweat more than ever, which the doctor said I would notice. (don't ask me to explain why?) And I feel really good afterward! My fatigue isn't there like it was, I am tired, but not I have mono kindof tired. Incredible.

Showers always made me exhausted. So if I was clean that day...I was wasted for hours. I noticed it most the last couple of months, but I could say I have always done poorly in heat. When Matt and I were in Florida, Mexico you name it, I always had a bout of debilitating heat stroke. I always thought it was stemmed from my sisters red hair gene in me that made me intolerant. Also the hot bath would always help my leg pain, but in return my foot tremor would go from mild to crazy when I was in the heat.

What a difference! I can actually jump out of the shower and run downstairs to grab something out of the dryer, race back up the stairs without holding the handle, and still feel normal. This may all sound weird, but it is a huge deal to me. And my foot tremor remains unchanged when I have baths now.

I had horrible fatigue but what's worse, I had insomnia. Horrible all night insomnia for years. I have had to take Advil PM for the last 4 years, with little help. Which I have now discovered is one of three CCSVI classic signs.

I get naturally tired, (all that baking and running up the stairs catch up with me) so I no longer need anything to help me sleep. And I sleep all night long.

These all seem minor to some...
but for me I went from

tolerating life to loving life.

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