Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Staying Put

"We all face those times When our confidence fades And the path of our life

seems unclear."

I saw this quote yesterday.

It about sums up how I am feeling. I am not sure I have the strength to fight this one. Since publicly bring to the surface what has been common life for me for quite some time. All the different responses, reactions, discussions, and words sent my way.... I am more lost than ever. I really just feel like standing still. Can I do that? I know in most scenario's standing still and doing nothing doesn't work out. weight- eventually you end up ten pounds heavier and completely flabbergasted how it ever got there? testimony- do nothing and you will get exactly what you put in. Dive in, and the rewards are heaven sent. garden- leave this one alone and you wonder if your neighbor came in and sabotaged it because there was no way you left that many weeds. raising kids- not a lot of standing still happening. But sometimes you take a" break" from certain areas and before you know it you can't believe they just performed the alphabet in burps, hasn't changed their socks in 3 days, and their flimsy attempt at teeth brushing will lead them to a smile that involves 14 quartet gold caps across the front and a backwards hat...then I realize some reteaching is in order. eyebrow plucking- do nothing on this one and one morning you look in the mirror and then instantly turn to yell at your husband for not telling you the state of eyebrows before going out in public, which are taking on a similar look to your garden. your failing health- can I break the rule and just do nothing? I think I am going to try and see what happens. I am not up for the fight or challenge... I am just too tired, twitchy, hurting, dizzy and can't see too well. so it really isn't a fair fight.

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