Friday, May 6, 2011

4 Months Today!!!

I know people can't see with their eyes anything physically different, but if you take my word for it, my body from the inside has done a 360. I no longer have crushing fatigue, my body doesn't tremor, I don't have an intention tremor in my hands so I no longer drop things or have difficulty doing fine motor things like putting on makeup, I have very little leg pain and spasms, I can think clearly now and not feel like I have a head full of cotton. It isn't all roses, I do have the occasional bad day of skin neuralgia burning (the hot oil splatter sensations) But I have heard and read that the repair and road back to good blood flow can also be painful and SLOW as it is coming back from sensation loss. On bad days I can feel a numbness to my waist but it feels like it is trying to get circulation but is having trouble getting the signal. I am a lot more patient than I was at the beginning, especially after my recent progress of my foot tremor going away, I really thought I would have that forever after having it for 3 years non stop. The bad days are usually when I am PMS ing or during menses. Very common, more inflammation. So instead of every day of the month being hard, now just a few are. That is okay though. I am still hopeful that I did this procedure early enough that I can continue to see results and maybe even repair to damaged nerves. I am excited to see my progress on my yearly MRI coming up in June. To see if I have any less lesions and most of all, not any more...